Welcome CovertsadJW. So sorry your family life is in turmoil
I've sent you a PM. Hope something is of use to you. I wish you well.
good afternoon , .
i have been having doubts for many years and as most jw's i have certainly not done myself a favor by suppressing all of my critical thinking.
i am married with 3 kids and my wife and i are inactive, but my wife has made it very clear in speech and action that she wants to go to all meetings, field service, and indoctrinate our kids.
Welcome CovertsadJW. So sorry your family life is in turmoil
I've sent you a PM. Hope something is of use to you. I wish you well.
i have been meeting with member's of the kingdom hall, and i have attended a few times now on sundays.
i'd like to discuss experiences with this group since i'm new.
so far, i love it.
Hi Matthew, welcome.
As an ex-JW myself, I hope you are genuine - because everyone who has replied to your post is genuine!
Illustration: if you want to walk through a minefield, take the advice of someone who's already done it.
Once you are baptised, you automatically put your whole way of life under the control & scrutiny of the local body of Elders. You will have to answer to them for anything you do or say which they disagree with.
As for "the truth," send me a Private Message if you'd like to read some of the things which opened my eyes to the JW version of Bible truth.
Enjoy the ride - while the love-bombing lasts.
loyalty appears to be the buzzword constantly promoted by the gb at the moment.
we hear it at conventions, assemblies, and meetings.. let's face it loyalty covers so much.
shunning of family, friends etc.
A cult's very existence depends on the followers loyalty and obedience - "But all of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether we agree with them or not." (Watchtower Simplified Edition November 15, page 20, paragraph 17)
If this statement emanated from any other religion, JW's would shout "cult, cult, cult, cult, cult" from the rooftops.
i think i read somewhere that if you have been inactive for ten years plus, the elders will not try to meet with you and corner you to get you back "in".
is that true?.
i just realized that mr. spiral and i haven't gone to meetings or reported time for over ten years.
When it comes down to it, Elders anywhere in the world will unilaterally decide if/when to to attack shepherd a lost sheep.
Always be prepared to respond if confronted by any JW; "I appreciate your concern, but there's nothing private & personal I wish to discuss with anyone at the moment. Thanks anyway."
Then exit, stage left - immediately.
is it vital for credibility to have the name of the writer of an article referenced?.
does this allow for honesty and accountability?
does this assist in ensuring that whatever is presented is as factual as possible, or not biased in some way toward the religion's ideas?.
So would it make a difference if the Society referenced the writers by name? Would it create a culture of honesty and transparency? Would it even matter?
'Yes' to the first & last. 'Maybe' for the middle one.
But since such openness would expose the 7 dwarf's sub-contracting of "providing food at the proper time" to non-anointed Writing Committee members, it would diminish/eliminate all the hard work which has been done in recent years to publicise & glorify the G.O.D.S. of Warwick.
The Gibbering Body are like shopkeepers; they don't make the food, they're only middlemen who just want to sell it and make a profit.
a reliable source has informed me that a bethel contact has informed them that paul gillies - a london branch committee heavyweight - is moving to warwick to join the legal department there.
anyone else aware of this?.
during the recent court case in russia, he posed for a photograph with the gb member and the rest of the wt a-team..
A reliable source has informed me that a Bethel contact has informed them that Paul Gillies - a London Branch Committee heavyweight - is moving to Warwick to join the legal department there. Anyone else aware of this?
During the recent court case in Russia, he posed for a photograph with the GB member and the rest of the WT A-Team.
imagine yourself still sitting at a kingdom hall meeting and turn to the book of mark 7: 21-23. the sayings of jesus are really profound.
the scripture makes you think, reflect, enters your heart and produces results.. today, you have your modern day governing body ( who supposedly are the mouthpiece for jesus and jehovah and provide spiritual food for the 8 million followers).
if jehovah really sends his holy spirit upon these seven men, is this silly and petty message they can come up with?
The mother of the JW harlots - the WTBTS - decides via its literature and its 7 puppets in Warwick which Bible teachings can be followed by JW's, and which ones can't!
Jesus said - If you know someone has committed a serious sin, resolve it between you and them alone. End of.
WTBTS says - Ignore what Jesus said at Matt. 18:15-17; we tell you what to do in such a situation. So if you know that someone has committed a juicy, serious sin, go and "talk to them" about it. Having "discussed" it, then tell them that they are compelled to confess to 3 elders via a Judicial Committee.
Can you imagine how many JW's would not be disfellowshipped each year if r&f JW's followed Jesus Christ's teaching - instead of obeying the "disgusting thing" in New York State?
jehovah's witnesses to settle sex-abuse case - san diego reader (california, us), friday, january 12, 2018.
The WTBTS hierarchy's main concern isn't about JW's hearing of paedophilia allegations/lawsuits against the cult, because these can easily be classed as media lies, persecution, etc.
Their absolute priority is to prevent the r & f from discovering exactly how many millions of dollars in donations are being used by their religious masters to protect paedophiles. The cash flow would turn to a trickle if JW's found out.
i thought of successfully fading out, but suffered a miscarriage last week.
i gradually decreased the number of meetings i attended.
in the latter half of the year it became once a month, then once in two months, once in three months ….. last week, two elders who visited me, after their bla..bla..asked: “where will you go leaving the motherly organization—the only truth now available on earth?”.
Welcome Ireneus.
It looks like you don't have anything to lose or anyone holding you back from speaking your mind. Whatever your situation is, you can clearly now tell the wolves - politely or bluntly - to get lost, because you've pulled back the curtain. Many of us wish it was this easy for us - but everyone's case is different. Best wishes as you cut them off.
maybe some of you remember me, maybe not.
for general information i am now 19 years old, and living by myself.
for the past 1 year (more like 1.5 years) i have been quietly fading out of the hypocrisy of this organization, but since i still live in the town i grew up in it has been hard, and filled with different challenges.
"Bring up some valid points?" Sorry to tell you, but they are not setting up the kangaroo court so that you can enlighten them. You will teach them nothing. Their purpose is to execute you, and they will shut you up as soon as you start to say anything they don't like.
If you turn up, you are legitimising the cult's authority over you and allowing 3 of its hit-men to carry out their dirty deed. DON'T GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!